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It is my pleasure to share my scientific publications with you! Most articles can be directly downloaded below. In case you are unable to access an article, please contact me, and I will be more than happy to sent it to you.

Peer-reviewed Papers

28. Popp, S., Pinter, K., Schwayer, C., & Hayes, D.S. (2024). Habitat use of barbel (Barbus barbus) in a restored urban Danube tributary. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, 1371150. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1371150

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27. Teufl, P., Auer, S., Muhar, S., & Hayes, D.S. (2024). Priorisierung von Revitalisierungsmaßnahmen an voralpinen Flüssen [Prioritizing restoration measures at pre-alpine rivers]. WasserWirtschaft, 5, 28-35. DOI: 10.1007/s35147-024-2340-x

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26. Karimov, E., Zeiringer, B., Coeck, J., Verhelst, P., Karimov, B., Omonov, O., Schletterer, M., & Hayes, D.S. (2024). Length-Weight-Age Relationship of Schizothorax eurystomus Kessler, 1872 and Comparison to Other Snow Trout Species in Central Asia. Fishes, 9(3), 94. DOI: 10.3390/fishes9030094

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25. Führer, S., Auer, S., Coudrais-Duhamel, A., Olejarz, A., Stoisser, F., Schmutz, S., & Hayes, D.S. (2024). Variation in hydropeaking-induced stranding of Barbus barbus L. and Chondrostoma nasus L. larvae: assessing the impact of daytime and down-ramping rates. Ecohydrology, 17(2), e2626. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2626

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24. Hayes, D.S., Hauer, C., & Unfer, G. (2024). Fish stranding in relation to river bar morphology and baseflow magnitude: combining field surveys and hydrodynamic-numerical modeling. Ecohydrology, 17(2), e2616. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2616

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23. De Keyser, J., Hayes, D.S., Marti, B., Siegfried, T., Seliger, C., Schwedhelm, H., Anarbekov, O., Gafurov, Z., López, R., Diez, I.R., Alapfy, B., Carey, J., Karimov, B., Karimov, E., Wagner, B., & Habersack, H. (2023). Integrating open-source datasets to analyze the transboundary Water-Food-Energy-Climate Nexus in Central Asia. Water, 15(19), 3482. DOI: 10.3390/w15193482

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22. Hayes, D.S., Bruno, M.C., Alp, M., Boavida, I., Batalla, R.J., Bejarano, M.D., Noack, M., Vanzo, D., Casas-Mulet, R., Vericat, D., Carolli, M., Tonolla, D., Halleraker, J.H., Gosselin, M.-P., Chiogna, G., Zolezzi, G., & Venus, T. (2023). 100 key questions to guide hydropeaking research and policy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 187, 113729. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2023.113729

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21. Karimov, E.B., Karimov, B.K., Schletterer, M., & Hayes, D.S. (2023). Ichthyological research in the Koksu River, Uzbekistan to identify key fish species in the context of small hydropower development. Experimental Biology, 96(3), 133-141. DOI: 10.26577/eb.2023.v96.i3.011

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20. Mameri, D., Hayes, D.S., Führer, S., Fauchery, E., Schmutz, S., Monserat, A., Hasler, T., Graf, D.R.M., Santos, J.M., Ferreira, T.M., & Auer, S. (2023). Cold thermopeaking-induced drift of nase Chondrostoma nasus larvae. Aquatic Sciences, 85, 56. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-023-00955-x

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19. Hayes, D.S., Auer, S., Fauchery, E., Graf, D., Hasler, T., Mameri, D., Schmutz, S., & Führer, S. (2022). The interactive effect of river bank morphology and daytime on downstream displacement and stranding of cyprinid larvae in hydropeaking conditions. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2022.12.001.

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18. Auer, S., Hayes, D.S., Führer, S., Zeiringer, B., & Schmutz, S. (2023). Effects of cold and warm thermopeaking on drift and stranding of juvenile European grayling (Thymallus thymallus). River Research and Applications, 39(3), 401-411. DOI: 10.1002/rra.4077

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17. Alp, M., Batalla, R., Bejarano, M.D., Boavida, I., Carolli, M., Casas-Mulet, R., Costa, M., Halleraker, J., Hauer, C., Hayes, D.S., Harby, A., Noack, M., Palau, A., Schneider, M., Schönfelder, L., Tonolla, D., Vanzo, D., Venus, T., Vericat, D., Zolezzi, G., & Bruno, M. (2023). Introducing HyPeak: an international network on hydropeaking research, practice, and policy. River Research and Applications, 39(3), 283-291. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3996

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16. Greimel, F., Grün, B., Hayes, D.S., Höller, N., Haider, J., Zeiringer, B., Holzapfel, P., Hauer, C., & Schmutz, S. (2023). PeakTrace: Routing of hydropeaking waves using multiple hydrographs – a novel approach. River Research and Applications, 39(3), 326-339. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3978

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15. Hayes, D.S.*, Schaufler, G.*, Schmutz, S., Unfer, G., Führer, S., Auer, S., & Seliger, C. (2022). Hydro-morphological stressors reduce distribution range and affect population status of cyprinid fishes in Austria. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 991722. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.991722.

* Equally contributing authors

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14. Führer, S., Hayes, D.S., Hasler, T., Graf, D.R.M., Fauchery, E., Mameri, D., Schmutz, S., & Auer, S. (2022). Stranding of larval nase (Chondrostoma nasus L.) depending on bank slope, down-ramping rate and daytime. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 966418. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.966418.

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13. Haug, J., Auer, S., Frees, C., Brinkmeier, B., Tutzer, R., Hayes, D.S., & Aufleger, M. (2022). Retrofitting of Existing Bar Racks with Electrodes for Fish Protection—An Experimental Study Assessing the Effectiveness for a Pilot Site. Water, 14(6), 850. DOI: 10.3390/w14060850

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12. Ondiek, R.A.'*, Hayes, D.S.*, Kinyua, D.N., Kitaka, N., Lautsch, E., Mutuo, P., & Hein, T. (2021).  

Influence of land-use change and season on soil greenhouse gas emissions from a tropical wetland: A stepwise explorative assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 787, 147701. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147701.

* Equally contributing authors

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11. Hayes, D.S., Lautsch, E., Unfer, G., Greimel, F., Zeiringer, B., Höller, N., & Schmutz, S. (2021). Response of European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, to multiple stressors in hydropeaking rivers. Journal of Environmental Management, 292, 112737. DOI:  10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112737.

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10. Mushi, D., Kebede, G., Linke, R.B., Lakew, A., Hayes, D.S., Graf, W., & Farnleitner, A. (2021). Microbial faecal pollution of river water in a watershed of tropical Ethiopian highlands is driven by diffuse pollution sources. Journal of Water and Health, 19(4), 575. DOI: 10.2166/wh.2021.2

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9. Linke, R.B., Kebede, G., Mushi, D., Lakew, A., Hayes, D.S., Graf, W., & Farnleitner, A. (2021). Assessing the faecal source sensitivity and specificity of ruminant and human genetic microbial source tracking markers in the central Ethiopian highlands. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 72(4), 458-466. DOI: 10.1111/lam.13436

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8. Englmaier, G.K.*, Hayes, D.S.*, Meulenbroek, P., Terefe, Y., Lakew, A., Tesfaye, G., Waidbacher, H., Malicky, H., Wubie, A., Leitner, P., & Graf, W. (2020). Longitudinal river zonation in the tropics: Examples of fish and caddisflies from the endorheic Awash River, Ethiopia. Hydrobiologia, 847(19), 4063-4090. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-020-04400-0
* Equally contributing authors

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7. Boavida, I., Díaz-Redondo, M., Fuentes-Pérez, J.F., Hayes, D.S., Jesus, J., Moreira, M., Belmar, O., Vila-Martínez, N., Palau-Nadal, A., & Costa, M.J. (2020). Ecohydraulics in the global context of river flow alterations and impacts for freshwater fish. Limnetica, 39(1), 213-232. DOI: 10.23818/limn.39.14

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6. Kebede, G., Mushi, D., Linke, R.B., Dereje, O., Lakew, A., Hayes, D.S., Farnleitner, A.H., & Graf, W. (2020). Macroinvertebrate indices versus microbial fecal pollution characteristics for water quality monitoring reveals contrasting results for an Ethiopian river. Ecological Indicators, 108, 105733. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105733

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5. Hayes, D.S., Branco, P., Santos, J. M., & Ferreira, T. (2019). Oxygen Depletion Affects Kinematics and Shoaling Cohesion of Cyprinid Fish. Water, 11(4), 642. DOI: 10.3390/w11040642

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4. Hayes, D.S., Moreira, M., Boavida, I., Haslauer, M., Unfer, G., Zeiringer, B., Greimel, F., Auer, S., Ferreira, T., & Schmutz, S. (2019). Life Stage-Specific Hydropeaking Flow Rules. Sustainability, 11(6), 1547. DOI: 10.3390/su11061547

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3. Moreira, M., Hayes, D.S., Boavida, I., Schletterer, M., Schmutz, S., & Pinheiro, A. (2019). Ecologically-based criteria for hydropeaking mitigation: A review. Science of the Total Environment, 657, 1508-1522. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.107

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2. Pinter, K., Lautsch, E., Unfer, G., & Hayes, D.S. (2019). Snorkeling-Based Fish Stock Assessment by Anglers—A Valuable Method for Managing Recreational Fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 39, 82-90. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10246

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1. Hayes, D.S., Brändle, J.M., Seliger, C., Zeiringer, B., Ferreira, T., & Schmutz, S. (2018). Advancing towards functional environmental flows for temperate floodplain rivers. Science of the Total Environment, 633, 1089-1104. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.221

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Book Chapters

2. Hayes, D.S., Schülting, L., Carolli, M., Greimel, F., Batalla, R. J., Casas-Mulet, R. (2022). Hydropeaking: processes, effects, and mitigation. In: Tockner, K., & Mehner, T. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd edition (2022), Elsevier Inc. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-819166-8.00171-7

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1. Muhar, S., Seliger, C., Schinegger, R., Scheikl, S., Brändle, J., Hayes, D.S., & Schmutz, S. (2019). Status and protection of rivers. A pan-Alpine overview, 302-319. In: Muhar, S., Muhar, A., Egger, G., Siegrist, D. (Eds.) (2019). Rivers of the Alps. Diversity in Nature and Culture, Haupt.

PhD Thesis

1. Hayes, D.S. (2021). Restoring flows in modified rivers. Ph.D. thesis. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

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Other Journal Articles

8. Jorde, K., Alapfy, B., Schwedhelm, H., Siegfried, T., Habersack, H., De Keyser, J., Hayes, D.S., Purushottam, A., Schneider, M., & Anarbekov, O. (2022). EU supports small hydropower in Central Asia. The International Journal on Hydropower & Dams, 29(5), 52-59.

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7. Hayes, D.S. (2022). Kräftemessen zwischen Wasserkraft und Ökologie. Aqua Viva – Die Zeitschrift für Gewässerschutz, 2/2022, 8-11 [reprint of Aqua Viva 2019].

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6. Hayes, D.S., Muhar, S., Popp, S., Becsi, R., Mühlmann, H., Ofenböck, G., & Scheikl. S. (2022). Evaluierung kultureller Ökosystemleistungen renaturierter Fließgewässer. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft. DOI: 10.1007/s00506-022-00895-0

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5. Gruber, G.*, Hayes, D.S.*, Lett, A., Zeiringer, B., & Pinter, K. (2022). Was tun mit urbanen Gewässern? Evaluierung des ökologischen Nutzens am Wienfluss mittels Habitatmodellierung. Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft. DOI: 10.1007/s00506-022-00890-5
* Equally contributing authors

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4. Hayes, D. (2020). Snorkeling – an effective survey method for fisheries managers and wildlife enthusiasts. FISH magazine, 138(3), 34-35.

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3. Graf, W., Leitner, P., & Hayes, D. (2019). The importance of instream reservoir structures for the biodiversity of the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna in the Viennese Danube. Danube News, 39(21), 9-11.

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2. Hayes, D.S. (2019). Kräftemessen zwischen Wasserkraft und Ökologie. Aqua Viva – Die Zeitschrift für Gewässerschutz, 1, 8-12.

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1. Hayes, D.S., & Pinter, K. (2017). Schnorcheln: eine einfache Methode zur Gewinnung quantitativer Daten fischereilich relevanter Fischarten. Österreichs Fischerei, 70(2/3), 59-73.

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Conference Proceedings

9. Alapfy, B., Siegfried, T., Zeiringer, B., Hayes, D.S., Roth, M., Schwedhelm, H., Verhelst, P., Coeck, J., & Rüther, N. (2023). Nachhaltige Kleinwasserkraft-Entwicklung in Zentralasien – Hydro4U in der Planungsphase. 21. Wasserbau-Symposium der Wasserbauinstitute TU München, TU Graz und ETH-Zürich, 28–30 June 2023, Wallgau, Germany.

8. Schwedhelm, H., Zhumabaev, A., Siegfried, T., Hägele, T., Kopecki, I., Alapfy, B., Hayes, D.S., Zeiringer, B., Jorde, K., & Rüther, N. (2023). Wasserkraftplanung Badam – ein Fallbeispiel für nachhaltige Wasserkraft an bestehender Bewässerungsinfrastruktur mit Potential zur Replikation. 21. Wasserbau-Symposium der Wasserbauinstitute TU München, TU Graz und ETH-Zürich, 28–30 June 2023, Wallgau, Germany.

7. Alapfy, B., Ramos, I., López, R., Siegfried, T., Hayes, D.S., Zeiringer, B., Verhelst, P., Roth, M., Schwedhelm, H., Coeck, J., & Rüther, N. (2023). European innovations in Kyrgyzstan: Development of the At-Bashy small hydro project. ASIA 2023 Water Resources and Renewable Development in Asia, 14-16 March 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

6. Hayes, D.S., Auer, S., Fauchery, E., Graf, D., Hasler, T., Mameri, D., Schmutz, S., & Führer, S. (2022). Ecohydraulics experiments with cyprinid larvae in a nature-like outdoor facility — first insights from hydropeaking trials to quantify fish stranding at different gravel bar setups. The 2022 International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 10-13 October 2022, Nanjing, China.

5. Führer, S., Hayes, D.S., Mameri, D., Fauchery, E., Hasler, T., Graf, D., Schmutz, S., & Auer, S. (2022). Stranding of larval nase (Chondrostoma nasus) following artificial flow down-ramping under experimental conditions. The 2022 International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 10-13 October 2022, Nanjing, China.

4. Mameri, D., Hayes, D.S., Führer, S., Fauchery, E., Schmutz, S., Monserat, A., Hasler, T., Graf, D.R.M., Santos, J.M., Ferreira, T., & Auer, S. (2022). Cold thermopeaking-induced drift in nase Chondrostoma nasus larvae. 4th International Conference I.S.Rivers, 4–8 July 2022, Lyon, France.

3. Hayes, D.S., Nale, J.P., & Schinegger, R. (Eds.) (unpubl.). Environmental Flow Assessment and Implementation for India: Exchanging Indian, European and International Experiences. International Workshop organized by GIZ GmbH and IEWP, 21-22 Oct. 2019, New Delhi, India.

2. Greimel, F., Neubarth, J., Zeiringer, B., Hayes, D.S., Haslauer, M., Führer, S., Auer, S., Höller, N., Hauer, C., Holzapfel, P., Fuhrmann, M., Pfleger, M., Matt, P., Koller-Kreimel, V., & Schmutz, S. (2018). Sustainable River Management in Austria. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Tokyo, Japan.

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1. Hayes, D., Brändle, J., Seliger, C., Zeiringer, B., & Schmutz, S. (2018). Preserving Alpine floodplain rivers through functional floodplain flows. In: Füreder L., Weingartner, R., Heinrich, K., Braun, V., Köck, G., Lanz, K., Scheurer, T. (Eds.) (2018) Alpine Water – Common Good Or Source Of Conflicts? Proceedings of the ForumAlpinum 2018 and the 7th Water Conference, 4.–6. June 2018, Breitenwang (Tyrol). Austrian Academy of Sciences Press. DOI: 10.1553/forumalpinum2018

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